Hart Park
Hinge Collective collaborated with with The Firehouse Community, JDT International, Friends of Hart Park, Philadelphia Parks & Recreation, key stakeholders, and residents to develop a conceptual redesign for Hart Park that would better utilize the space to fit the recreational needs of the community and make the park a more valuable asset to the neighborhood. Already well loved, Hart Park holds a place in the memories of the residents that have enjoyed sitting in the shade of the established canopy trees, cooling off in the water jets, and enjoying summer movies or events in the plaza. However, the equipment is worn and in need of a refresh. Through a participatory design process that included multiple conversations with the park working group and several public events, Hinge Collective provided space and time to ensure that all voices and perspectives were heard and incorporated in the final design proposal. A series of indoor and outdoor public events were designed to highlight memories, focus on the specific elements in the park to upgrade or remove, and allow an opportunity for prioritization through a participatory budgeting board game. Three conceptual design options were developed based on what was learned, and a consolidated design, which takes the best from each of the three options, is currently being used for fundraising to continue to raise awareness about the park and make the upgraded design a reality.
Location: Philadelphia, PA
Client: The Firehouse & JDT International
in collaboration with Philadelphia Parks & Recreation
Timeframe: 2023 - present
Project Team: Hinge Collective
Increased awareness of Hart Park
A community-led and agreed upon design direction to improve the park while maintaining what makes the park unique.
City and state funding and coordination support
Expanded Friends Group stewardshop and programming committees