Infill Philadelphia: Play Space
Showcasing the importance of play for childhood development.
Play Space was a two-year initiative that brought awareness to the critical role of play in childhood development, advocating for more thoughtful, imaginative, and informed play-centered environments. Through the facilitation of a series of programs, Play Space rallied designers, educators, academics, city officials, and other thought leaders in an unprecedented, coordinated effort that now influences the way Philadelphia invests in child-centered public space.
As the Program Manager for the Community Design Collaborative, Hinge founder, Alexa Bosse, developed and directed this initiative and facilitated a series of programs that included:
An exhibition and discussion of 40 inspirational play-focused projects;
A series of community build projects focused on the importance of physically active play and childhood health;
A day-long charrette focused on developing replicable, nature-based, play environments for in-home childcare facilities;
An international design competition with 40 entries from 6 countries to design innovative outdoor play spaces for a Philadelphia library, recreation center, and school yard;
A series of 7 lecture and panel events centered around the various benefits of play and models for improving the quality of play spaces for children worldwide and a final exhibition held at Philadelphia City Hall showcasing the results of the initiative and soliciting support.
Photo Credit: Chris Kendig Photography
Location: Philadelphia, PA (city-wide)
Client: Delaware Valley Association for the Education of Young Children (DVAEYC) and William Penn Foundation
Timeframe: 2016
Greater interdisciplinary collaboration
Three local libraries put play spaces in their buildings
Prototype designs for in-home daycare
Temporary play spaces developed by Public Workshop