Schuylkill River Park Master Plan
Schuylkill River Park plays a significant role in the daily lives of Philadelphia residents. The park draws diverse individuals and groups because of its central location and unique amenities. The spaces and connecting paths have been the backdrop for many memories, and many park users have a profound relationship with the park that goes back several decades or generations. The Friends of Schuylkill River Park (FSRP) recognized the park’s value and collaborated with Hinge Collective to develop an updated master plan to preserve and maintain the park as a space for social capital while developing strategies to build a more equitable future for the park and its users.
The outreach and engagement strategy included public events, one-on-one interviews with stakeholders and park users, and an online survey that invited general feedback. With special attention to identifying opportunities for greater inclusion and increased equity, the master plan was divided into short and long-term recommendations and further into discrete projects that FSRP can achieve through different levels of participation and funding.
The master plan will be used by the Friends of Schuylkill River Park and the community to maintain and celebrate the existing park successes while prioritizing opportunities for improvement to meet the goals established for the future of the park.
Client: Friends of Schuylkill River Park
Location: Philadelphia, PA
Timeframe: 2019-2020
A plan that reflected community desires and aspirations.
Prioritization strategy for phased implementation.
Communication recommendations for increased stewardship
Funding recommendations